€ 10,00

Album Release Party Asterism!

DreamX + La Roska + DJ Emmerson

powerfull latin pop rock ska

On friday December 2nd the band "La Roska" (Chile-Netherlands) will be releasing their debut album "Asterism" with powerful latin-rock-ska music that makes everyone dance! Special guests "DreamX band" (Netherlands) will be playing some groovy funky music to kick start the night! And for the after party the awesome DJ emmerson (Venezuela) will provide you with some latin, pop, rock & ska tunes! Come join this celebration of music and dance!

voorverkoop tickets www.eventix.shop/3s6jbz9c

20:00 doors
20:45 DreamX (live)
21:30 change over
22:00 La Roska (live)
23:00 DJ Emmerson
01:00 closing time

important: the BAR is CASH ONLY