€ 12,00

Elke maandag Goeie Zin!


banjo blues & folk uit Finland

Goeie Zin is DE avond in Zaal 100 voor singer-songwriters en semi akoestische muziek. Vanavond banjo blues & folk uit Finland.

Slack Bird combines the best sides of the deep south and the cold north putting together classic Appalachian banjo playing and the dark melodies of drony Finnish traditional music. Hailing from Central Finland, Slack Bird has toured around the world from the clubs of New York to mud huts in German forests and everything in between. Slack Bird has released three full length albums, a bunch of singles, and a couple of EPs. Playing shows with various Slack Bird incarnations from one man banjo act to a full blown big band with horn and string sections this time Slack Bird is touring Europe as a 5 piece folk band.

"Slack Bird creates something here apologetically unique that is very approachable. Music like this becomes a shining light in a sea of imitation. To the Trad Folkies and Crust Punks alike, Slack Bird manage to straddle seemingly distant genres effortlessly and with aplomb."
-Fatea Magazine

"The music exists in the same space and time as you or me but it opens the doors of perception into a world that is utterly unlike yours or mine."
- Tuonela Magazine

Zaal open 18.00 uur
Je kan dan al van een heerlijk vegetarisch 3 gangen diner genieten voor slechts 10 euro. Met allergieën kan rekening worden gehouden mits vooraf gemeld.
De live muziek begint om 20.00 uur.
entree 5 euro
Voor beide betaal je 12,00 euro
Reserveringen vinden we fijn en verminderden de kans op verspilling. Bij voorkeur vooraf via of bel op de dag zelf na 15.00 uur 020-6880127

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