€ 5,00

Filmavond over vrouwen in elektronische muziek

NAP film + concert met Gloria Del Mal & Ping-En Hung

NAP film + concert

Nieuw collectief Naïef Amsterdams Potentiaal (NAP) organiseert een filmavond over vrouwen in elektronische muziek, met liveconcert. NAP is een Amsterdams assemblage van audiocentrische makers die creëren en verbinden voor een inspirerendere stad.

Entree: € 5,- voor de film, extra donatie voor de muzikanten wordt zeer gewaardeerd!

Donderdag 30 januari

NAP film night + concert

New collective Naive Amsterdam Potential (NAP) is organising a film screening about women in electronic music, with live concert. NAP is an Amsterdam-based assemblage of audiocentric makers connecting dots and creating for a more inspiring city.

Gloria del Mal, a long lasting nail polish trio consisting of Felicia Ljus, Josefina Gilardi & Enrique Gutiérrez, draws inspiration from cumbia rythms, long lost memories, hazy summer nights, deep desires, club toilets, cookies, mental collapses and lullabies.
A woven tale of distorted synthesizers, pumping kick drums and sweet guitars mix with voices screaming out their longing over a murmuring sea of voices.

Born in Taipei (Taiwan) in 1993, the electronics artist, bassist, and composer Ping-En Hung has been residing and studying in Amsterdam since 2016. 
Ping-En's versatility in art seamlessly traverses genres from modern jazz to classical contemporary and electronic music. Drawing inspiration from her extensive experience in live jazz performances across Europe, Ping-En utilizes improvisation as a powerful tool for experimentation.
Her foundation in jazz strongly inuences her work, while her current focus on electronic music showcases her creativity in noise and sound design genres. Venturing into multidisciplinary artistry, Ping-En specializes in cooperating with choreographers to craft theater performances, elevating storytelling through the language of movement and sonic experiences.

Entrance: € 5,- for the film, extra donation for the musicians is much appreciated!

Thursday January 30