€ 8,00

Adventurous jazz and improvised music

Goose Green 3 (NO) + Baars/Lisle/Lumley (NL/UK/CA)

Zaal 100 presents an evening of adventurous jazz and improvised music featuring the Goose Green 3 from Norway plus UK drummer Andrew Lisle in trio with Dutch saxophonist Ab Baars and Canadian double bassist Aaron Lumley.
Goose Green 3:
Klaus Ellerhusen Holm - alto saxophone & clarinets

Bjørn Marius Hegge - double bass

Joakim Rainer Petersen - piano & quartertone keyboard

photo credit:  Isach Skeidsvoll

This Norwegian trio plays improvised music that stretches between jazz and contemporary classical music. Their music is created in the moment and based on spontaneity, gestures and a common musical language and understanding of form that comes from playing together for a long time. Goose Green 3 started playing together because of a common love for the same music with references to musicians and composers like Edgar Varese, Jimmy Giuffre, Cecil Taylor, Luciano Berio og Gyorgy Ligety.  You might have heard these musicians in bands like Honest John, Trondheim Jazz Orchestra, Joakim Rainer Trio, Hegge, Ball Rogg and Ingebrigt Håker Flaten's (Exit) KNARR.




Ab Baars - reeds

Andrew Lisle - drums

Aaron Lumley - double bass

photo credit: Co Broerse

Andrew Lisle, a virtuosic multi-directional drummer from London, reconvenes an intense and austere trio with ICP reedsman Ab Baars and bassist Aaron Lumley.



Doors - 20:30
Music - 21:00
Tickets - 8 Euros at the door
CASH ONLY for both the bar and tickets!