€ 12,00

soms op donderdag Xtra Goeie Zin!

Sophie Romain

1 act uit München

Goeie Zin is DE avond in Zaal 100 voor singer-songwriters en semi akoestische muziek. Vanavond 1 act uit München.

My name is Sophie Romain and I am a 21 year old singer/songwriter from Germany.
Having grown up as a dual German American citizen attending a French school, I have been surrounded by many cultures in my upbringing. This is something I like to express in my music by singing in various languages.

Singing has been my drive for as long as I can remember, and my voice the only method of expression I’ve ever had that I felt made a difference. As I put my thoughts, feelings and out views into musical verses,
my music has become my passion, and is a true reflection of my heart, mind and soul. It is my therapy, a coping mechanism that I cherish every day, and I can only hope that these creations grant you as much comfort, joy and motivation as they do me.

Zaal open 18.00 uur
Je kan dan al van een heerlijk vegetarisch 3 gangen diner genieten voor slechts 10 euro. Met allergieën kan rekening worden gehouden mits vooraf gemeld.
De live muziek begint om 20.00 uur.
entree 5 euro
Voor beide betaal je 12,00 euro
Reserveringen vinden we fijn en verminderden de kans op verspilling. Bij voorkeur vooraf via of bel op de dag zelf na 15.00 uur 020-6880127

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